Headquarters (323) 268-3380
IMP Latin America (305) 885-9885



Los Angeles, CA – (January 29, 2015) – The oil-price collapse will certainly have a positive effect in many industries, however in the oil & gas energy and exploration sector, companies are already preparing for a long winter.  Industrial Motor Power Corporation, a leading new-surplus and used power gen company, has already witnessed downward trends… Continue Reading

What is Cogeneration?

Cogeneration is the process of generating both electrical and heat energy from a single fuel source.  Also known as Combined Heat & Power (CHP), cogeneration makes use of the commonly discarded thermal energy which is generated from the combustion of fuels such as diesel, natural gas, bi-fuel, and even heavy fuel oil (HFO).  The entire… Continue Reading


Caterpillar’s G3520 is a globally recognized symbol of versatility in power generation.  What makes these powerful generators so attractive is the wide variety of applications for which they’re appropriate. The G3520 series (both the G3520E and the G3520C) are commonly used in projects involving combined heat and power (CHP) systems, industries such as mining, data centers,… Continue Reading

Power-Up the Blog!

It’s official!  The IMP blog is now live! Stay tuned for Insider News and Updates from Industrial Motor Power Corp–covering the industries we serve: oil & gas, marine, mining, power generation, cogeneration, and more.