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Position: Market Research Analyst
Industrial Motor Power Corp.
The Marketing Research Analyst is a full-time (40 hours per week) position that will support IMP’s marketing and business development efforts. The duties of this position shall include researching market conditions in regional, national and international markets. Exercise trackable sales plans with marketing directors. Analyze sales statistics.
Send resumes to: IMP, 16133 Ventura Blvd, Suite 855, Los Angeles, CA 9143
Industrial Motor Power Corp.
The Marketing Research Analyst is a full-time (40 hours per week) position that will support IMP’s marketing and business development efforts. The duties of this position shall include researching market conditions in regional, national and international markets. Exercise trackable sales plans with marketing directors. Analyze sales statistics.
- Bachelor degree in Business Administration or comparable.
- Minimum 2 years experience.
Send resumes to: IMP, 16133 Ventura Blvd, Suite 855, Los Angeles, CA 9143
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