Product Details
Rebuilt Caterpillar G3512NA Natural Gas Generator. Engine has less than 1035 hours since rebuilt. New remote radiator is included. Can be shipped with a 480V or 600V gen end. Completion time is three weeks for assembly and load testing.
Please call for more information.
Make: Caterpillar Model: G3512NA Price: Please call for more details. Item #: 16646 Year: 1994 Hours: 1035 Since Rebuilt Fuel: Natural Gas Hertz: 60 Hz HP: 526 kW: 370 Voltage: 600 RPM: 1200 Portable: No Enclosed: No
Make: Caterpillar Model: G3512NA Price: Please call for more details. Item #: 16646 Year: 1994 Hours: 1035 Since Rebuilt Fuel: Natural Gas Hertz: 60 Hz HP: 526 kW: 370 Voltage: 600 RPM: 1200 Portable: No Enclosed: No