Product Details
Rebuilt Caterpillar 3516 MUI Industrial Engine. Rated at 1600hp @ 1200rpm. Complete with front hub to flywheel, #00 flywheel housing. Unit rebuilt to Arrangement 2W8871.
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Make: Caterpillar Model: 3516 MUI Price: Please call for more details. Item #: 12955 Year: 1992 Hours: 3700 Since Rebuilt Fuel: Diesel HP: 1600 RPM: 1200 Portable: No Enclosed: No
Make: Caterpillar Model: 3516 MUI Price: Please call for more details. Item #: 12955 Year: 1992 Hours: 3700 Since Rebuilt Fuel: Diesel HP: 1600 RPM: 1200 Portable: No Enclosed: No